A distant, idyllic star. An enormously complex, esoteric contraption received some faint electrical signal. A message soon reached every alien’s ears (if they had a pair) on the planet.
All creatures became distraught (at least as it seemed) and got things together immediately, some of which appeared to be dangerous chemicals in glorious technicolour. About 10 athletic aliens dextrously formed into a battalion and boarded a highly sophisticated spaceship in a disciplined fashion.
Others saluted as they watched the spaceship launched.
A beam of light. A spaceship loomed out of outer space. A view from a window: a massive blue orb emerged into brilliant sunshine. Mesmerising.
The spacecraft landed on the dark blue waters of Hong Kong. They were out. Blazes burst. The spaceship vanished almost instantly as if they never existed.
While in fear of the coronavirus, Hong Kong people had no knowledge of what lay ahead.
“Hello?” The phone was picked up by a dormant police officer.
“A patient has been taken… a COVID patient… by… aliens!” came from the loudspeakers of the phone. A female voice, petrified.
“What? You must be joking.”
“No, we’re not kidding! This is the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. We’ve seen several alien creatures taking away one of our patients.” A different voice, a lot older yet calmer.
Bombarded by citizens with reports of the imbroglios, the police had promptly located the aliens and the abductees with the secret city monitoring system. They dispatched the Special Duties Unit to the areas accordingly.
“Shoot them all, even the abductees if necessary.” The commissioner’s voice resounded.
Having evacuated the crowd and encircled the entire structure, teams approached discreetly in the small hours.
They wound their way up the convoluted staircases with MP5s strapped to their back, hared across the corridors, and came to a halt outside a flat. Deadly, compliant.
“Three, two, one.”
Two of them threw their weight at the wooden door, and it burst open. The remaining corps rushed every creature inside the flat. The same occurred in five places across Hong Kong.
“Stay still!”, in Chinese of course.
A patient was sitting on a bed with two aliens standing right next to him. Nothing moved in the still air. Tubes dropped while aliens raised their hands in the air. They ‘screamed’.
Something amiss.
“Fire!” shouted from the walkie-talkies.
Armies of the elite corps pulled the trigger subconsciously, mercilessly, and almost simultaneously across regions of Hong Kong. Perhaps cathartically as well.
All aliens were shot in cold blood.
In a pool of blood, an alien murmured. Sounded like a cri de cœur.
An officer stepped forward. Gave it the coup de grâce.
Along with the aliens, two of the five abducted patients were killed with stray bullets.
Humans remained to suffer and coexisted with the virus until scientists meticulously scrutinised, isolated, and synthesised compounds found in the pharmaceuticals on the floor adjacent to the aliens’ corpses, which proved to be powerfully effective against the coronavirus.
Many years later, an internal recording of the last screams of the aliens fell into the hands of a fanatical linguist and was, one day, successfully translated.
With a sudden, involuntary, icy shiver, the linguist stared at the text he was holding aghast.
“No animosity.” Their last words.
Spent one hour rewriting my P.2 student’s composition. He can always surprise me with his infinite creativity. This is so fun lol